
Pope Francis Encourages Celtic FC: “Winning Isn’t Everything”

Emphasizing the Beauty of Playing Together

Pope Francis met with Glasgow’s Celtic Football Club, delivering a message that winning is not everything in sports. The Pope, addressing the team in the Paul VI Hall before his General Audience, stressed the importance of playing with a spirit of camaraderie.

The Beauty of Playing Together

Speaking off-the-cuff in Italian, Pope Francis urged the players never to lose their amateur spirit and the love of the game for its intrinsic value. While acknowledging the desire to win, he emphasized that true victory lies in “playing the game together, all the way through, playing as a team,” considering it the most beautiful aspect of sports.

Setting Good Examples

In prepared remarks, the Pope highlighted the significance of setting a good example both on and off the field, placing greater importance on virtues such as courage, perseverance, generosity, and respect for others’ dignity than mere victories.



Celtic’s Charitable Legacy

Pope Francis commended Celtic’s founding mission to alleviate poverty in Glasgow, praising the club’s charitable efforts for the needy. However, he expressed concern about the transformation of the “beautiful game,” cautioning against prioritizing financial profit over its original charitable purpose.

Responsibility of Good Role Models

Addressing the players, Pope Francis emphasized the heavy responsibility on their shoulders due to Celtic’s valued legacy. He urged them to be good role models, especially for the youth, not only excelling in athletics but also maintaining personal integrity and kindness.

A Prayer for Genuine Sportsmanship

Concluding his remarks, Pope Francis prayed that the players continue to embody the genuine goodness and nobility of sports, emphasizing values that go beyond the pursuit of victory.


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